Trust No One Campaign

Developing a fortified cybersecurity frontline by building a brand on a groundbreaking mandatory training

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Video production:


We and our clients at the Cisco Security & Trust Organization (S&TO) were thrilled with the results of the creative true-crime-documentary-style mandatory cybersecurity training, Trust No One... Until Verified. The training received widespread acclaim such as winning a Silver Telly award in the Non-Broadcast - Internal Communications category! But most importantly, measurable positive behavior changes among Cisco’s global team.  With a history of successful branded cybersecurity campaigns with the S&TO team and our own unique comprehensive approach to cybersecurity campaigns, our client seized the opportunity to invest in the attention won and the equity established with the video.

The natural next step: building on the momentum and employing the look, feel, and messaging of Trust No One... Until Verified in a widespread cybersecurity brand activation including training videos, infographics, collateral, and reinforcement communications: all the things necessary for durable belief and behavior change around the critical area of strong and consistent cybersecurity practices. The sustained attention on digital security and user engagement, especially with such a difficult issue, resulted in better practices and has led to a a fortified cybersecurity frontline for Cisco, one of the world’s most innovative tech business leaders.

Design System
Video Production

Extending the power of the attention-grabbing training video

After the video training was released, we were tasked with creating a fun behind-the-scenes version for internal use, again partnering with post-production company Animal Farm. The outtakes reel helped keep Cisco workers’ attention on the importance of cybersecurity and to fill in details of the backstory to boost buy-in regarding the important message. Since our training featured Cisco subject matter experts and individuals from management, the departments involved were excited to see what it took to tell the story.

To expand reach and capitalize on the success, we produced a cutdown of the training video that could be shown to external audiences, including Cisco clients and at cybersecurity conferences, amplifying Cisco’s cybersecurity profile externally, coinciding with National Cybersecurity Month to augment the impact.

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Developing logos and a visual system to expand the brand

The positive response and attention the training received created an opportunity to expand the brand established with Trust No One… Until Verified into collateral. S&TO leaned on our branding, messaging, and visual system experience to evaluate how the message could work within the Cisco S&TO brand.

From a visual standpoint, we systematized design elements into a brand that families with Cisco corporate branding and established S&TO standards that could be shared with partners and used in digital and printed deliverables. We also created a library of stock images and video to reference, which continues to expand.

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Creating strategically-aligned deliverables and collateral

Once the design system was in place, new materials could be quickly and efficiently created as needs arose. S&TO includes potent Trust No One... Until Verified branded infographics as part of monthly internal nurture communication, extending the campaign to continue reinforcing long term behavior changes. We rolled out a multifaceted campaign to keep the main message of Trust No One... Until Verified front and center. This included physical swag like t-shirts, stickers, water bottles, plus digital assets and powerpoint templates to empower S&TO to spread the message anytime, anywhere. This suite of branded, on-message items served as a constant reminder of the importance of cybersecurity decisions and digital verification.

The strength of the message “Trust No One until Verified” provides a perfect call to action, which S&TO leveraged with our help to continue critical training activities. We created a  social engineering training video with production company Gantry, expanding the design with dynamic motion graphics, icons, and movement. This exciting intro video was viewed within a learning system framework with the user answering trivia questions to test their knowledge. (Quiz created with partner GPS.) More videos in this style are in the works!

The expansion has continued, with a podcast featuring an S&TO subject matter expert in process called Trust Talks and much more in the pipeline, building equity and bolstering the message. We’ve been thrilled at the relationship-driven mutual creativity fostered between our client’s imagination and our strategy with a powerful, flexible message.

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Trust us with cybersecurity campaigns....our results are verified

Creative risks and innovative thinking deliver the best results. Through longstanding client partnerships and consistently delivering outstanding work, we’re grateful to have achieved this level of trust with so many of our clients. When our audience is inspired and we can build on a lasting message, we create true partnerships with our clients and the most effective campaigns. Cybersecurity is a growing challenge for all companies. Our unique experience and collaborative approach position us to take digital security head on and deliver effective, durable results.